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Canadian Official Says, ‘Significant Element’ from U.S. Involved in Anti-Vaccine Mandate Protests

The protests began over an announcement made last year when the U.S. and Canada mandated COVID-19 vaccines for truck drivers, a policy that went into effect last month.
GoFundMe freezes Canadian 'Freedom Convoy' page after it raises $10 million
Support pours in for Canadian truckers protesting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate (FOX NEWS DIGITAL)

The Hill

Protests against Canada's COVID-19 measures have drawn a "significant element" from the U.S., Ottawa police said Wednesday.

“They have converged in our city, and there are plans for more to come,” Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly said, according to The Washington Post.

The police chief said participants in the protests, including locals, were "putting our city and our residents, our partners and our officers at great risk."

Police said some protesters had received financial backing and other support from across the border, the Post reported.

What started as a "Freedom Convoy" protest against a vaccine mandate for truckers has developed into a broader demonstration against against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's policies, reaching the capital of Ottawa.

Protests have blocked Canadian streets and shut down businesses the past six days. Reports indicated that one lane of traffic in each direction along part of the U.S.-Canada border in Alberta had been opened after protesters blocked traffic there since Saturday, according to the Post. 

Canadian officials have condemned the protesters' blockade. 

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