The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) latest COVID-19 science has left many experts baffled.
The Chinese CDC released its November report on a COVID-19 outbreak linked to a public park, claiming that 35 individuals were infected by a single unmasked jogger. After initially going fairly unnoticed, the study has since garnered attention for flying in the face of all prior knowledge regarding COVID-19 transmission.
“For 35 minutes, the Patient Zero jogged along a lake at a local park without wearing a mask. Among the 2,836 people potentially exposed at the time, 39 tested positive,” the study says. “Overall, 38 out of 39 cases did not wear a mask on the morning of August 16.”
Patient Zero was a 41-year-old man who went for a run on Aug. 16, 2022, in Chongqing, without knowledge that he was infected with COVID-19. He reportedly did not wear a mask.
Despite the CCP claim that Patient Zero was responsible for the infections, scientists are skeptical. Outdoor transmission has proven to be extremely rare during the COVID-19 pandemic, prompting looser restrictions in outdoor settings from most authorities. Masking outside has been rare in most western countries and was hardly ever mandated even at the height of the pandemic.