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2 Suspected ISIS Members Arrested in East Jerusalem for Planning Bombing Attack

An Islamic flag found by police during the arrest of two East Jerusalem men on suspicion of planning a terror attack. Israel Police
An Islamic flag found by police during the arrest of two East Jerusalem men on suspicion of planning a terror attack. Israel Police

On Monday, Israeli authorities announced the arrest of two East Jerusalem residents for plotting a terrorist bombing. The individuals were reportedly planning to execute their attack by detonating a bomb-laden truck near the Knesset building.

The suspects were identified as Mustafa Abd Al-Nabi and Ahmad Natasha, who both live in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Ras al-Amud.

The two individuals were taken into custody on December 26.

Law enforcement officials allege that the pair purchased chemical ingredients to fabricate an explosive device. Bomb manufacturing instructions were also reported to be found in their possession.

According to charging documents, the suspects regularly perused Islamic State propaganda on their personal computers. In April, ISIS called on Muslims within Israel's borders to strike Jewish targets in the country.

The arrests come several weeks after two other Arab residents of Israel were taken into custody for attempting an ISIS encouraged act of terror.

Related Story: ISIS Flag Found Amongst Kibbutz Carnage

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