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Israel Intercepts Cruise Missiles and Drones Fired by Islamic Resistance in Iraq

An Israeli Air Force fighter aircraft after a mission to intercept incoming threats. IDF
An Israeli Air Force fighter aircraft after a mission to intercept incoming threats. IDF

Israeli military officials announced Sunday that two cruise missiles and a pair of drones fired at the Golan Heights and Eilat from Iraq were intercepted before they could enter the country’s territory.

The incidents reportedly activated sirens in several locations because of concerns related to falling shrapnel, but there were no reports of casualties or damage.

The Tehran-backed Islamic Resistance of Iraq claimed responsibility for the incursion in a statement on Telegram, describing the action as an effort “in support of our people in Gaza.”

The Islamic Resistance of Iraq has launched numerous drone attacks against the Jewish state since the start of the October war in Gaza, including two this month targeting northern Israel.

Related Story: Washington to Start Iraq Drawdown This Year: Report

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