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Russia Has Arrested Nearly 20,000 People for Protesting Ukraine War

A supporter wears a T-shirt with a picture of Masha Moskaleva during a court hearing in Russia in April. Yuri Kochetkov/EPA-EFE
A supporter wears a T-shirt with a picture of Masha Moskaleva during a court hearing in Russia in April. Yuri Kochetkov/EPA-EFE

Russia has arrested nearly 20,000 people for protesting the Ukraine war, according to a recent report from the Russia-based human rights project OVD-Info.

The organization published a report in July which found that at least 19,735 people had been arrested since Feb. 24, 2022, as of June 22.

The report found that 19,062 people were arrested during protest rallies while 325 were arrested after the fact. Another 360 people have been arrested for posts made to social media or remarks made in private discussions.

The majority of the arrests, about 15,354 of them, were made in the first month of the invasion as Russian President Vladimir Putin's regime cracked down on dissent.

OVD-Info has also tracked dozens of new laws passed by the Russian Duma, the country's legislative body, which the organization described as "repressions at the legislative level."

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