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Cuban Regime Reduces Bread Rations Amid Shortage of Ingredients

A Cuban bakery. flickr.com
A Cuban bakery. flickr.com

The communist dictatorship in Cuba reduced the island’s daily bread ration on Monday, according to a report by Reuters.

The news outlet stated that the government-subsidized distribution was decreased from 80 grams to 60 grams per day, a measurement of “approximately the weight of an average cookie or a small bar of soap.”

The changes reportedly come amid claims by Havana that the country is facing shortages of flour needed to produce the food staple, a situation officials blame on the United States trade embargo directed towards the Cuban regime.

Cuba’s nutrition program formerly allocated a varied selection of state-provided provisions to the populace, but in recent years, it has struggled due to disruptions in the planned economy impacting consumer goods, fuel, and medicine.

Earlier this year, welfare authorities in the Caribbean nation requested assistance from the World Food Program after scarcities arose in their supply of children’s powdered milk.

Related Story: Cubans Protest Food and Power Shortages Amid Inflation Crisis

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