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Biden Administration Reportedly Proposes an Interim Iran Nuclear Deal

The European Union’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, stated that “the time has come for a diplomatic solution” to the Iran nuclear issue.

The Biden administration has held discussions with its allies in recent weeks regarding a proposal to resume talks with Iran. The proposed talks would focus on the Iran nuclear deal that was negotiated in 2015 and known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

According to sources familiar with the matter, U.S. officials discussed the proposal with Israel, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. The proposal suggests the United States would lift some of the sanctions that were imposed on Iran during the Trump administration, and Iran would be limited to nuclear enrichment of 60 percent purity.

The discussions come after tensions between the United States and Iran have escalated in recent years. The Trump administration withdrew from the JCPOA in 2018 and imposed tough sanctions on Iran, leading to a deterioration in relations between the two countries. However, the Biden administration has expressed a desire to re-engage with Iran and revive the nuclear deal.

The resumption of talks with Iran is seen as a significant step towards de-escalating tensions in the region. Iran has repeatedly stated that it is willing to return to the JCPOA, provided that the United States lifts its sanctions. The proposal discussed by the United States and its allies appears to be a step in that direction.

The proposal has been met with mixed reactions from the international community. Israel has strongly opposed the proposal, stating that it will only embolden Iran and lead to further destabilization in the region. Saudi Arabia has also expressed reservations about the proposal, citing concerns about Iran's nuclear program.

However, the proposal has been welcomed by European leaders, who have been pushing for a return to the JCPOA. The European Union's foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, stated that "the time has come for a diplomatic solution" to the Iran nuclear issue.

Related Story: Biden Admin Wants Allies to Keep Quiet as Iran Comes Closer Than Ever to Nuclear Capability

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