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Houthis Disable Greek Bulk Carrier with Unmanned Surface Vessel

A British Navy USV. Royal Navy
A British Navy USV. Royal Navy

The U.S. military announced on Thursday that Houthi rebels successfully attacked a Greek-owned bulk carrier with an explosive-laden nautical drone the previous day.

The remotely operated Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV) was reported to have struck the M/V Tutor while it was traveling 66 miles southwest of Hudaydah.

The ship’s captain sent out a distress call warning that the engine room was "taking on water and not under the control of the crew," due to a "craft" exploding after making contact with the boat's stern.

In a statement from the Tehran-backed terrorists, a spokesperson took credit for the attack and claimed that the 44,000-ton vessel was "seriously damaged and vulnerable to sinking."

The incident appears to be the first time that the Yemen-based militants successfully deployed a USV during their eight-month-long campaign against the region’s ocean-going transportation companies, which they have said is done to show solidarity with Hamas as they fight Israel in Gaza.

Last week, the Houthis released a video of their first use of a mobile solid-fuel rocket as they fired it towards the Israeli city of Eilat.

Since the proxy group is not known to possess advanced defense technology or manufacturing capabilities, experts maintain that the likely suppliers of their sophisticated weapons are their allies in the Islamic Republic.

Related Story: Houthis Launch New Solid-Fuel Rocket at Eilat Amid Suspicion It Was Provided by Tehran

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