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Warning Shots Fired at North Korean Soldiers After Brief Border Violation

South Korean army soldiers patrol through the military wire fence in Paju. AP
South Korean army soldiers patrol through the military wire fence in Paju. AP

On Sunday, South Korean soldiers gave verbal warnings and deployed cautionary fire at North Korean military personnel who ventured out of their nation’s territory while on a work detail along the Demilitarized Zone.

South Korean officials announced on Tuesday that the platoon-sized detachment, some of whom were carrying construction tools, immediately returned to their side of the border after the altercation began.

The statement clarified that the encroaching unit did not appear to have conducted any suspicious activities, and it was likely that they entered the restricted area by accident.

The circumstances occurred on the same day that the government in Seoul resumed loudspeaker broadcasts, spreading anti-regime propaganda aimed at the dictatorship in Pyongyang. This action is reportedly a response to an incident last month where the North Koreans sent several hundred balloons filled with garbage and human waste into the south.

The area where the incursion took place is one of the most heavily fortified locations on Earth.

Related Story: Pyongyang Sends Trash Filled Balloons into South Korea

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