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27 posts
Iranian Christian Convert Flogged for Partaking in Communion
An Iranian Christian convert received 80 lashes for partaking in Communion wine this week. Zaman Fadaee sustained…
November 19, 2020
Israel and U.S. May Take Military Action Against Iran During Lame Duck Period
Speculations are swirling that Israel and the U.S. may attack Iran before a potential Biden Administration takes office.…
November 13, 2020
Experts: Progress in Middle East Likely to be Upheld By Freedom-Seeking Youth
Author and Former Advisor to President Trump, Dr. Walid Phares and Former White House Advisor, Bijan Kian say…
November 12, 2020
Iran to Arab neighbors: ‘Trump’s Gone. Show Allegiance to Iran, Or Else!’
Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif sent a message to its neighboring Persian Gulf states, warning that they can…
Abraham Accords Likely to Experience Setbacks Under Biden Administration
The Abraham Accords, the pact normalizing relations between Israel and a number of her Arab neighbors which was…
November 10, 2020
Iran Seeking Trump-Era Compensations Under Biden Administration
Iran President Hassan Rouhani is openly demanding reparations from the United States under a new Biden administration. “The…
November 9, 2020
Iranian Foreign Minister Doubles Down on Biden as Iran’s Preferred Candidate
Javad Zarif, Iran’s Foreign Minister said he finds Joe Biden’s campaign “more promising” for Iran in an interview…
November 5, 2020
Christian Boy, 6, Abducted By Muslim Herdsmen in Nigeria
A 6-year-old Christian boy, Isaiah Okunu, was abducted from his home by Muslim Fulani herdsmen in Nigeria’s Nasarawa…
November 3, 2020
Iranian Court Declares Christian Couple Unfit to Raise Adopted Daughter
An Iranian court has denied custody of an adopted 2-year-old girl to her Christian parents after they faced…
October 20, 2020
After UAE-Israel Peace, Iran Warns UAE Now a “Target for the Resistance”
The historic peace deal normalizing relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates announced Thursday following a call…
August 17, 2020